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Weekend Grab Bag

Published: Fri, 07/28/17

How about a weekend grab bag?Uranus will turn retrograde in Aries on August 2nd. You will read a lot of the usual blah-blah about this. Read something…

English Is Weird (How To Stay Out Of Prison)

Published: Wed, 07/26/17

The Moon and Mercury are in Virgo today, Wednesday, which used to be called "hump day" back when most people worked Monday through Friday. The idea…

Dark Corner To Hide In

Published: Mon, 07/24/17

This is the aftermath of the new moon in Leo. With the Moon part of a grand trine in fire and se tiling Venus and Jupiter, it looks more like an…

Impervious To Groans & Eye Rolls

Published: Fri, 07/21/17

The Sun Mars conjunction squares Uranus in Aries today. This makes me think of a rogue force unleashed. That's a fair description of the political…

Making My Point From A Variety Of Angles

Published: Fri, 07/07/17

I had a big dream with the last class I taught. I wanted to teach people how to move beyond naming and complaining about the problems they have in…

Your Life Story Unfolding

Published: Wed, 07/05/17

E pect a shift over the ne t two days as Venus in Taurus se tile Mercury in Cancer changes to Venus in Gemini se tile Mercury in Leo.Taurus and Cancer…

Find Depth In Twitter-Life

Published: Mon, 07/03/17

Hello! Our sons have been visiting, one and then the other, over the last twelve days. I am happily behind in my work at this time. I should catch up…

Avoid the Trap!

Published: Wed, 06/28/17

Mars is conjunct Mercury today as the Moon in Mercury-ruled Virgo opposes Neptune.This looks like a trap to me. You might shoot your mouth off,…

What's For Lunch?

Published: Wed, 06/21/17

As promised, the Sun and Mercury ingress into Cancer this morning. If there are any time nerds out there, the e act conjunction takes place at 10:20am…

Gemini & Cancer - Clamming Up, Hunkering Down

Published: Mon, 06/19/17

The Sun and Mercury are tightly conjunct in the latter degrees of Gemini: 28 degrees today, 29 degrees tomorrow. On Wednesday both bodies will ingress…

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