Find Depth In Twitter-Life

Published: Mon, 07/03/17

Hello! Our sons have been visiting, one and then the other, over the last twelve days. I am happily behind in my work at this time. I should catch up by the end of the week.  Meantime...

Monday - Tuesday: Grand trine in Water!  Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces trine Sun, Mercury and Mars in Cancer.

We also have the Cardinal T-square. It's harsh (Mars opposite Pluto) but Jupiter is in involved, offering considerable protection.

You can combine these two influences by minding your intuition when it comes to any threats. You can also watch your mouth.  That's the Mars Mercury portion. I have this conjunction natally and it's causes 80% of my problems.  It's just not smart to wave a loaded gun around.

If your gun is your mouth...well then figure it out or opt to suffer the consequences!

You can also use this energy to dig deep into some focused study. This is really hard in the twitter-life we lead, but material (of all kinds) is there, free and accessible to anyone who can read this letter.  Um...go deep or go home?

I don't know that I mean that, but I mean this: If you opt to challenge yourself, you're less start a fight with someone else. The main thing is to be conscious you have a choice.

Reminder - full moon in Capricorn this weekend - Domestic Violence

This is also a great to to consult - get the root of what's dogging you.  Schedule your consultation here.

Have a great day,