What's For Lunch?

Published: Wed, 06/21/17

As promised, the Sun and Mercury ingress into Cancer this morning. If there are any time nerds out there, the exact conjunction takes place at 10:20am ET at 0 Cancer 24. To that, my Venus in Leo says, "Tada!"

The Moon and Venus are in Taurus today supported by Pluto in Capricorn. This describes a deeply satisfying, hearty meal.

You'll want to have that for lunch, because later in the evening the Moon enters Gemini. These are people who eat like birds!

Now on Friday, the (new) Moon will be in Cancer, part of a stellium in the sign. At that point it will be soup, soup and more soup, along with apple pie, depending on your region.

Comfort food, okay? We'll be having pasta at my house!

Pay attention and see if you perceive these shifts.  This is how you can really learn astrology!

Also, early heads up.  Mercury and Mars a super active next week. This is worth noting. Get details here - War Drums.

Last, this is the last day to buy a transcript before I raise my prices.  Shop here!  You'll be happy and so will I!

Have a great day,