Avoid the Trap!

Published: Wed, 06/28/17

Mars is conjunct Mercury today as the Moon in Mercury-ruled Virgo opposes Neptune.

This looks like a trap to me.  You might shoot your mouth off, believing (Neptune) you're helping (Virgo).  But you may be deluded and only manage to undermine a person, so you may want to avoid (Neptune) this altogether.

It's such a bad combo when a person's mouth goes on a roll, when they have no idea what they're talking about.

It's a tense couple of days here, however there are some stabilizing aspects as well.

Namely Venus in Taurus is trining Pluto in Capricorn. Tomorrow, the Moon in Virgo will fill in to create a grand trine in earth. This is a top-of-the-line calming influence.

Considering the situation, if you find yourself raging today, I'd try to wait for tomorrow.  This rage thing is going to be a big deal as we head towards the dangerous full moon in Capricorn next week. Get details on that here -​​​​​​​ Domestic Violence.

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