
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

A Veritable Buffet For The Moon In Gemini

Published: Sat, 02/17/24

The Gemini moon plays well with the large stellium in Aquarius this weekend. Planets in Taurus do the same with planets in Pisces. It's a good…

Intricate Social Operations & Crazy Timing

Published: Thu, 02/15/24

Moon Jupiter in Taurus squares Mercury in Aquarius today. How you feel may not jibe with what you know. The fact that Jupiter buoys the moon suggests…

Day Without Compromise

Published: Wed, 02/14/24

We've had this day on our radar for weeks, now we're here. By now, if you've not be jarred, you've surely witnessed it happen to someone you know.

Dry Up & Blow Away! How's That For Drastic?

Published: Tue, 02/13/24

Mars entered Aquarius overnight. It will hook up with Pluto, tomorrow aka Valentine's Day. If you cross someone right now, you may want to for the…

"When You Least Expect It"

Published: Tue, 02/06/24

This is tomorrow's sky but the moon is already in Capricorn so I can get this out early. Point is, there are no planets in Fire. Further, Mars, ruling…

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