The weekend has been both draining and liberating. That's what you get with a stellium in Pisces with a stellium in Aquarius. Additionally, Venus is conjunct Mars in Capricorn. This drives a person.
The moon will leave Pisces for Aries, mid-morning on Monday.
She'll need to escape conjunction with Neptune in Pisces before she can really run, but it should be an improvement, if for no other reason than Aries is friend to Aquarius.
It's the difference between being shocked when you're asleep vs shocked when you're rarin' to go.
I've already been rarin' to go; it's Mars in Capricorn conjunct
my ascendent. I can say it feels good, to push ahead while weary and waiting for the shoe to drop. In some ways, I feel like a softened up target. Not that it matters, I have a packed 8th house!
Not sure how others may have fared. My forum is silent; my husband is resting, so I spent the weekend, writing.
I don't have the energy to link
each post if you want to see what's going on, you know where to find me,
The new content is good and varied. I intend to continue blasting at this
as it's a good, positive outlet for my energy which is pretty much supernatural at this point.
Last, I want to thank the people who have tipped me, recently. You have no idea how much this means to me, with Saturn in Pisces. Thank you.