The Gemini moon plays well with the large stellium in Aquarius this weekend. Planets in Taurus do the same with planets in Pisces. It's a good situation, that lacks the Fire element.
This void won't be filled until the moon makes her dramatic entrance
into Leo on Wednesday. Overall, it's a good block of time to gets some things done, provided you can motivate yourself.
The Mercury Uranus square is breaking up at this point. This brilliant energy invigorated my natal Venus in Leo and sparked my creativity. I was having a lot fun until sadly, it's became problematic for me when it became problematic for others. Libra!
A lot of good came from it though. At least I feel this way, internally. Mercury Uranus brings messages from the future and lighting strikes of "knowing". The puzzle can solve itself during periods like this and it excites me.
I always tell people under Uranus Mercury transits, to note their ideas, as they can leave as fast as they arrive. I took my own advice published the
notably eclectic results on my blog.
I think these things that follow are important, though not necessarily to every individual....
This is a sophisticated post; out-of-bounds of common astrology. I use Venus Neptune as an example, but
everything in your chart, can potentially be used in this way. Your Personal Propensities: Up Or Downgraded. I also wanted to
illustrate the freaky things made accessible by outer planets.
Last for me, if you have been having a white text problem with this newsletter, Aweber is working on it. Newsletter White Text.
It's a veritable buffet for the Gemini moon. Enjoy!