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The Tasmanian Devil

Published: Mon, 04/06/15

Do you feel like rebelling? The Sun conjuncts Uranus in Aries while Mars opposes the Moon in Scorpio. If someone you know asks for space today, I'd…

Aftershocks Under The Full Moon

Published: Thu, 04/02/15

There's a lunar eclipse in Libra, early Saturday morning. Though we're beyond the e act aspect of Uranus square Pluto, the eclipse will activate these…

This Never Happened!

Published: Mon, 03/09/15

Jupiter trines Uranus today. Venus is involved in this too, as is Mars in its own sign, Aries. I don't know why so many astrologers are calling this…

Deeply Disturbing "Innocent" Behavior

Published: Wed, 02/04/15

You know those people who routinely make promises but never deliver? There was a time this kind of thing didn't bother me. I could easily shrug it…

Headng Into The Full Moon In Cancer

Published: Tue, 12/30/14

With the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Pluto bunched up in Capricorn, the holidays have been harsh for many. If you're one of them, you'll be happy to know…

Merry Christmas!

Published: Wed, 12/24/14

Thanks for your business and your support in 2014. I've appreciated it greatly. I'll be back in January, looking forward to a stellar year in 2015!…

New Moon in Capricorn - Anchor Deep

Published: Thu, 12/18/14

Can you feel things slowing down as we head into the holidays? Mercury is in Capricorn now, joining Venus and Pluto in the sign. Things are getting…

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