This Never Happened!

Published: Mon, 03/09/15

Jupiter trines Uranus today. Venus is involved in this too, as is Mars in its own sign, Aries. I don't know why so many astrologers are calling this the end of the world.  

Venus and Jupiter are benefics in astrology. Whenever they combine, I immediately think BIG KISS.

 If you're feeling terrified, please check this: March, 2015 - Why All The Gloomy Forecasts? 

This aspect reminds me of the children's board game Chutes and Ladders.  You roll the dice and go around the board. If you land on a square with a ladder, you get to soar up it, giving you a huge lead on your competition. 

Alternately you might land on a square with a chute, in which case you'd slide down into what felt like the abyss to a competitive person like me.

This is definitely a LADDER day.  And here's what kills me...

You give someone a chance to take a huge leap forward and they won't do it. This was unheard of in Chutes and Ladders. No one ever landed on a square that allowed them to advance and said, 'Ya know what? I think I'll stay right here and plod along."
It's very likely you have a chance to break free today, or to leap ahead.  If you refuse to do it, you might want to ask yourself why you're so crazy. Seeking the answer to that question is also Jupiter-Uranus flavored.
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