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Anticipation Weekend

Published: Sat, 08/19/23

The Mars Neptune opposition peaks on Tuesday. This feels like widespread anticipation. For e ample, in California, they're e pecting rain. I also see…

Trigger City

Published: Thu, 08/17/23

The moon in Virgo will deal with Saturn in Pisces today and Neptune, tomorrow, but I would worry too much. There is so much earthy energy, to support…

How Might An Individual Take Advantage...

Published: Tue, 08/15/23

Yesterday's tension has increased as you'd e pect with the energy of the Mars Neptune opposition increasing, along with the Fi ed square closing with…

Operation Crowbar

Published: Mon, 08/14/23

The new moon in Leo will take place just after midnight on Wednesday morning. Between now and then, the sun, moon and Venus are squaring Jupiter and…

Ruminating Cow

Published: Sun, 08/13/23

Today is interesting and it seems quite positive. Understanding the level of stress in the collective, it makes sense to try to ma imize gains on days…

Yelling Into The Oblivious Ocean

Published: Fri, 08/11/23

It seems a good time to talk about Neptune, with the moon in Gemini is squaring Mercury and Mars in Virgo. You may recall, Neptune is currently…

Hydra Lurking In Brain

Published: Wed, 08/09/23

I'm late but I'm here to tell you the moon is in Gemini and it's not playing well with Saturn in Pisces. Negative thoughts, mostly, but this plot will…

Something Important Slip, Slidin' Away

Published: Tue, 08/08/23

It seems calm out there with Mercury and Mars trining the moon, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. In fact, we only have one square and one opposition in…

Exit The Morass & Head For The Future

Published: Sat, 08/05/23

The Virgo Pisces opposition delivered a confusing week of back and forth and maybe, maybe not. Things should clarify this weekend with the moon in…

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