Today is interesting and it seems quite positive. Understanding the level of stress in the collective, it makes sense to try to maximize gains on days like this.
We have a rough Grand Trine in Earth which steadies people and allows them to get real world things done. Not
to disrespect other functions, but I'm talking about the freshly made bed with the new sheets, my husband and I will sleep on tonight. It's nice!
The Sun Venus conjunction in Leo squaring Uranus might be more interesting. I can readily see this effects of this. They warrant extra consideration because Wednesday's new moon in Leo hits these degrees. Roughly 14-28 degrees
I see relationships (Venus) flipping (Uranus) in positive directions. This is easy to do if you detach (Uranus) from your ego (Sun). If this is hard for you to do - well here's your chance.
We also have the moon in Cancer, closing an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. If you feel like choosing a scapegoat, what would
happen if you didn't?
I've had trouble writing, lately. Nothing extreme. I am working on the class and it's going fine. But there is a lot of pressure on creative individuals right now, coming from many directions. I think a lot of people understand the wire we walk, is narrow.
I'm flooded with ideas, 'round the clock, but that's
not enough. I have to render the idea into something acceptable. There are far more pleasant things to do, for a 9th house big mouth like me.
I did get this written though: Waking Up Disillusioned. The product of many hours spent ruminating. See, I know we're all in the same boat, but how can I say this?
The picture is of me, as a ruminating cow. Earthy, see? Touch grass. Ha ha!