
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

Heads Up: Saturn In Pisces

Published: Thu, 02/24/22

You're looking at the current sky. I drew the arrow for beginners. All of the faster moving planets will be heading into Pisces over the ne t two…

Today *Is* The Day (To Break Your Matrix)

Published: Wed, 02/23/22

I spent si hours and forty minutes on the phone with a client on Monday, talking straight through. I talked to the same client, yesterday, for another…

Pisces & Various Other Sundries

Published: Mon, 02/21/22

There's a bit of tension this morning as the Moon in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius as it opposes Uranus in Taurus. Outside of that, the sky is…

Pluto Return Of The US

Published: Fri, 02/18/22

Is the USA going to collapse? I've had a lot of people ask me about the Pluto return of the United States. I don't like these topics but I do have…

Daring & Caution - Intellectual Day

Published: Thu, 02/17/22

The moon is in Virgo this morning, with ruler Mercury in Aquarius. It's "Intellectual Day" on one level. You may be relieved by this. The Virgo moon…

Conformity No Longer In Vogue

Published: Tue, 02/15/22

Mercury in Capricorn restricts speech. This is especially true with Pluto involved. Put a sock in it! Shut up and stay safe! Mercury is in Aquarius…

Picking Up The Pace

Published: Mon, 02/14/22

Gemini and Virgo are about to cut a break as Mercury enters Aquarius today. You may not notice the shift until later this evening, but the planet will…

Note To Scorpio & Funny Thing About Faith

Published: Sat, 02/12/22

Jupiter in Pisces favors the Moon in Cancer today. This has got to be good for Scorpio. The planets in Capricorn also support Scorpio, especially Mars…

Forever Obsessed & Mind In The Gutter?

Published: Fri, 02/11/22

Mercury will conjoin Pluto in Capricorn today. This is the third time since December, 2021. We won't have to deal with this again until February,…

Back From The Dead

Published: Thu, 02/10/22

I'm sorry for the lapse in service. I'm back, I think. It was a combination of Mercury retrograde computer death and physical illness. The sky is…

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