Jupiter in Pisces favors the Moon in Cancer today. This has got to be good for Scorpio. The planets in Capricorn also support Scorpio, especially Mars in exaltation. Luck and opportunity meet commitment and perseverance. It's
Tomorrow the Cancer Moon will oppose the four-planet stellium in Capricorn. This is a cardinal (controlled) situation. The Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius contributes to the control out there, but
we don't know who will be controlling what or who or any other details. A person can control themselves which is generally a good idea.
Also note, the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are in their home signs with Mars exalted. If you're not using this, you're losing this. Why would you do that?
Boundaries are big right now as is karma if you believe in such a thing. A lot of people used to be believe in it, but we've seen so many get away with so much for so long that this faith may be waning.
Funny thing about faith: It’s entirely possible to lose it only to have it come roaring back to overtake you like never before.