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Rolling Over Into Something Else Now...

Published: Fri, 09/22/23

The day begins with the moon in Sagittarius squaring the Sun in Virgo. It's notable because the sun and moon will ingress into Cardinal signs in the…

The Great Day Streak Continues

Published: Thu, 09/21/23

Another great day on tap! Click to enlarge and check out the moon in Sagittarius, playing nice with Venus and Mars. That's sweet! We've still got the…

Another Very Good Day

Published: Tue, 09/19/23

Heading into another magical day. Again, you can click the chart to enlarge. If you do, you'll see a solid Grand Trine in Earth, enhanced by Neptune…

Song Of The Day, Comes In With The Tide

Published: Mon, 09/18/23

I prefer to use pictures over charts but some charts tell the story well. You can click this one to enlarge. Note the moon in Scorpio has support from…

Meet George & His Simple Truth

Published: Thu, 09/14/23

I didn't e pect to feel od'ed on Virgo, but here I am. I think it's the moon that's doing me in. It's intense enough, I checked tomorrow's sky for…

Enforced Patience

Published: Wed, 09/13/23

The moon entered Virgo this morning, joining team Earth which is dominating at this time. It seems this might simplify things but with si planets…

Breakdown Of The Week Ahead

Published: Mon, 09/11/23

Mercury will station direct at 8 degrees Virgo this week. If you're in a good mental state, you're likely to stay that way. If you're uncomfortable,…

Weekend Moves

Published: Sat, 09/09/23

Mercury will turn direct in less than a week. This will be favorable in general as the planet will be well supported on it's way out of Virgo. Great…

Great New Moon, Right Around The Corner

Published: Thu, 09/07/23

I try not to inflate the affect of new and full moons but ne t week's new moon in Virgo is e traordinary. This is primarily because it's aspected by…

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