The moon entered Virgo this morning, joining team Earth which is dominating at this time. It seems this might simplify things but with six planets retrograde, many people feel stuck or blocked.
It's like some kind of enforced patience. Patience is a
choice a person makes. If you close all the doors and run the trains backwards for a time, forcing the person so fight to stay in place; this is a little different.
On the upside, provided you've not isolated yourself too much, the Venus Mars sextile sees people working well together right now. If you're friendly, you can take a pause and chat and visit and just very literally, enjoy yourself, before the rest of the
week's happenings which should be positive.
I'm talking about Mercury turning direct and the new moon in Virgo that's so well aspected. The Grand Trine in Earth has also reconstituted. As concerned as you may be, most have at least one thing going well at this time.
For example, my son is coming to visit. I'm extremely happy about this
as he was not bugged to do it. He's coming on his own volition, on his own dime and he's also got his own hair.
Yes, I'm talking about his wrapping up his blue and pink and purple, green and yellow hair phase. I have nothing against that stuff but it really doesn't suit Sun conjunct Saturn which is what he is. So now he's got a super handsome Linked In picture. He looks like a formidable young man who's come into
his own.
There's more but I don't want to go crazy with the links. To tie this all together, I'm working with the Venus Mars sextile. These posts have that energy. Sharp social exchange with a dash of Leo creativity.