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Roulette Wheel Of Fortune

Published: Thu, 04/13/23

The week seems to be going pretty well. One of the reasons may be that all of the elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Water) are well represented. Also, e…

Roulette Wheel Of Fortune

Published: Thu, 04/13/23

The week seems to be going pretty well. One of the reasons may be that all of the elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Water) are well represented. Also, e…

Big Picture Chit-Chat

Published: Tue, 04/11/23

The sun will conjoin Jupiter in Aries today, with Venus having just ingressed into Gemini. This sounds like big picture chit-chat to me so here…

New Season In The Worldwide Drama

Published: Mon, 04/10/23

Pluto has only been in Aquarius for two and a half weeks. I know I'm not the only one who feels different. It's like wearing new shoes, I guess. It's…

Magnitude Of Power

Published: Sat, 04/08/23

Things are crackling out there with moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. It's disturbing! This tracks to Pluto (Scorpio) in Aquarius (Uranus)…

Triggered In A Delightful Way

Published: Wed, 04/05/23

The full moon in Libra takes place around midnight tonight at 16 degrees. It's tightly conjunct my Mars (and Mercury). Needless to say, I'm lit! I…

Upcoming Libra Rage Is Your Fault For Sure!

Published: Tue, 04/04/23

Midday, the moon in the late degrees of Virgo will form a Grand Trine with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius. It may be fleeting and quirky but…

Upcoming Libra Rage Is Your Fault For Sure!

Published: Tue, 04/04/23

Midday, the moon in the late degrees of Virgo will form a Grand Trine with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius. It may be fleeting and quirky but…

Pluto In The House!

Published: Mon, 04/03/23

Mercury is at the cusp of Aries and Taurus this morning, squaring Pluto at zero degrees. Zero degrees Fi ed will hit be hot into June. I don't think…

Vibing With Mercury Pluto

Published: Sat, 04/01/23

The last ten days have been strange; boring and unnerving from my perspective. Throughout this entire period, e cluding the moon, there have only been…

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