The sun will conjoin Jupiter in Aries today, with Venus having just ingressed into Gemini. This sounds like big picture chit-chat to me so here goes...
I keep reading about how Pluto in Aquarius is going to heal everything after the Pluto in Capricorn disaster.
There's an undertone of division between the two signs. It sounds just like politics. Your guy messed it up. My guy will fix it. This is not how Pluto works.
No, I am not morose. I'm a grounded, experienced astrologer, who clarified this back in 2011. I updated the post yesterday. Please see: The Aftermath Of A Pluto Transit. This stuff is inarguable.
On a different topic, Mercury entered Taurus on April 3rd.
Due to a retrograde period, it will remain in the sign until mid-June.
Mercury doesn't exactly fly through Taurus. Venus in Mercury-ruled Gemini favors fast thinking. If you like insta-responses, prepare to be frustrated. Also, be warned, if you tell Taurus to hurry up, they will immediately slow down to one quarter speed.
Venus in Gemini is applying to square Saturn in Pisces, which will also slow response times. Mars in Cancer (detriment) is not a great help but it does play well with the planets in Taurus.
Overall, you can see Saturn in Pisces slowly morphing reality. This doesn't mean you won't be okay. In fact, your best bet is to have faith that you absolutely will be okay.
The slowed mental stuff may allow you to take the time to think something through. <- talking to myself here.