
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

Wake Up Your Creative Life Force

Published: Sun, 02/05/23

Can you feel your blood pumping this morning? Leo rules the heart. You can e pect some type of jolt, under today's full moon but it's likely to be…

Heads Up - Effortful Week Ahead

Published: Mon, 01/30/23

You may feel irritated with the Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini. Unfortunately, these bodies square Venus in Pisces. Someone's going to pick on someone.

Get Yourself Free

Published: Sat, 01/28/23

The moon in Taurus will conjunct Uranus and square the sun in Aquarius today. It worth tuning into this energy as it's prelude to the full moon in Leo…

Deer In The Food Lion

Published: Fri, 01/27/23

This picture seems to sum up our current situation all around the world. Venus has ingressed into Pisces. Jupiter continues to support the sun and…

Duck Kids

Published: Thu, 01/26/23

Strange days! This week has been a good e ample of how different aspects play out simultaneously. I think I nailed this is my weekly video. Here's one…

Duck Kids

Published: Thu, 01/26/23

Strange days! This week has been a good e ample of how different aspects play out simultaneously. I think I nailed this is my weekly video. Here's one…

Keeping My Promise

Published: Thu, 01/19/23

I took advantageof Mars and Mercury direct, as well as the moon in Sagittarius (broadcasting) and Jupiter in Aries, to publish something important…

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