Strange days! This week has been a good example of how different aspects play out simultaneously. I think I nailed this is my weekly video.
- Venus is conjunct
Saturn in Aquarius and the control is evident.
- Jupiter in Aries supporting the sun Aquarius and Mars in Gemini kept it all up in the air.
That's all pretty neat but just like the life of an individual, I don't think it's as easy as it looks on the surface. It make me think of "duck kids".
I don't know if teachers still use this term but it refers to a kid who appears to be gliding on the surface but is actually paddling furiously, beneath the surface. You may be able to relate, especially if the current aspects connect with your chart.
We've got the same flavor today. The moon in Aries, joins Jupiter to support the Airy sun and Mars... but it also squares Mercury in
Capricorn which could be trigger.
I also notice, information is coming in cold and harsh. Conversation seems to have dried up, though this won't last.