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New Story Begins This Week

Published: Mon, 05/15/23

The Moon went into Aries very early this morning. Mercury is direct now. Most will wake up ready for action. This is Jupiter's last full day in Aries.

Jupiter Pluto Electro Eruption

Published: Sun, 05/14/23

This is the week many feel things will come tumbling down. These predictions can't simply be dismissed. The astrology is sound and there's nothing…

The Hot Degree Of May 2023 (In The Zone)

Published: Wed, 05/10/23

The Moon is in the late degrees of Capricorn. It will ingress into Aquarius late tonight. While I brushed over the Mars, Jupiter, Pluto T-square…

Options Available As Signal Increases

Published: Mon, 05/08/23

Tension is building as Mars in Cancer is now opposing Pluto in Aquarius. Jupiter in Aries boosts the signal. Ironically, a second T-square involving…

No One Forcing Your Hand

Published: Sat, 05/06/23

The moon, Mars and Neptune form a Grand Trine in Water today. This is something we haven't seen for at least si months. If your life is like cymbals…

Reversal Of Fortune Today?

Published: Fri, 05/05/23

Most everyone is waiting for a shoe to drop, a corner to be turned, a verdict to be reached - something. There are several strong triggers this month,…

Free Astrology Love & Relationship Course

Published: Wed, 05/03/23

The moon is in Venus-ruled Libra, conjunct my Mercury and Mars. The Scorpio eclipse aspects my natal Venus. This resulted in a decision to make my…

Today's Disjunction

Published: Mon, 05/01/23

Odd feeling this morning with the moon in Virgo catching support planets in Taurus as well as Pluto at 0 Aquarius. That spells, "I got this". The…

The Tone For The Next Few Weeks

Published: Sat, 04/29/23

I apologize the timing of sending these letters is off. Mercury is retrograde in Taurus and I'm slow. But Mercury is also conjunct Uranus so my timing…

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