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Plan Ahead - You May Need To Pounce!

Published: Mon, 12/19/22

We're waiting for the shoe to drop at this point, but not in a bad way. If you to get some traction and grab control, you'll have your chance this…

Radio Flyer: Robert Phoenix

Published: Fri, 12/16/22

Just flying by to let you know I'm going on astrologer and intellectual, Robert Phoeni 's radio show on Sunday night. I'm looking forward to this!…

Good News & Mental Potpourri

Published: Thu, 12/15/22

The Virgo moon is clashing with the Sun in Sagittarius as it opposes Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. These are Mutable signs and favorable planets.

Brains Back Online This Week

Published: Mon, 12/12/22

The fog will clear out over the ne t two days, to be missed by no one that I know of. If you haven't known what to do, things should clarify as your…

Ego Driven Diffuse Rage God Complex - Yeah!

Published: Sat, 12/10/22

Parts of the confusing, troublemaking Mutable T-square have resolved, but we're still left with the sun in Sagittarius opposing Mars retrograde in…

Quite A Setup Ahead

Published: Fri, 12/02/22

If you need a break from Neptune-whatever, here it is! The moon in Aries will trine the stellium in Sagittarius over the ne t couple days. Mars in…

Holodeck Life & Spicy Full Moon Incoming

Published: Wed, 11/30/22

The moon is in Pisces today and tomorrow, set to be aggravated by Mars retrograde in Gemini as well as Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Venus…

Neptune Direct & The Infinity Pool

Published: Tue, 11/29/22

Neptune will turn direct on Saturday in aspect to Jupiter and most of the personal planets. There is plenty swirling around out there, enough that you…

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