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This Is A Mixed Message

Published: Wed, 10/26/22

E pect surprises today as the moon in Scorpio clashes with Saturn and Uranus. Whatever happens, it may be jarring but the pressure won't be sustained.

Veneer Died Off

Published: Mon, 10/24/22

You're looking at tomorrow's eclipse coming in as the planets and the lights leave Libra for Scorpio. This shift is intensified by the square aspect…

Disabled By Rage In The School Of Hard Knocks

Published: Sat, 10/22/22

The moon in Virgo will square Mars in Gemini while opposing Neptune in Pisces today. Misunderstandings are a given. People also tend to suffer an iety…

It Will Probably Be Gnarly So...

Published: Fri, 10/21/22

The moon is in Virgo today. If will eventually hook up with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn to give us a Grand Trine in Earth, however…

Manners Are Underrated

Published: Thu, 10/20/22

There are three harsh squares out there.Sun conjunct Venus square PlutoMars square NeptuneSaturn square UranusThese clashes take place in the…

Love, Money, Security Threat

Published: Mon, 10/17/22

Saturn is stationing and will turn direct on Saturday. The planet is still tightly square Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus. We're seeing upsets in…

Up In The Air & The Undertow

Published: Fri, 10/14/22

The intensity of Pluto squaring the sun and Venus is palpable at this time. You can feel it bubbling up. In some cases the gauntlet has been thrown…

Superficial Cloud Life

Published: Thu, 10/13/22

The airy Grand Trine has allowed most to swirl around on the surface this week.Today's moon in Gemini will reinforce this energy. It's about keeping…

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