
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

Fear: The Worst Thing To Cultivate Or Feed

Published: Sat, 07/23/22

I know a lot of people are worried about ne t week due to the Mars Uranus Node conjunction. I don't mean to constantly be contrary but I don't think…

Things Change & Swing In Your Favor

Published: Fri, 07/22/22

I woke up this morning to a comment on a one-minute video I made about Surviving A Pluto Transit - 12th House. The person was hurting. I decided to…

Your Personal Equation

Published: Wed, 07/20/22

We have a Cardinal T-square today involving the sun, moon and Pluto. You may feel particularly controlled or controlling but I'd not get too invested…

Mars Racing Feeling & Unpredictability

Published: Mon, 07/18/22

The moon has just entered Aries. You can probably feel the Mars-flavored undertow. There are certainly a lot of people talking about the upcoming Mars…

Seminal Remarks

Published: Sat, 07/16/22

Sometimes a person will leave a seminal comment on my blog. I'm talking about something that pierces through the veil or sums up how throngs of people…

Wipeout Ahead (For Some)

Published: Wed, 07/13/22

Today is the Pluto-flavored full moon in Capricorn. Yesterday, I realized the effects of this thing are going to linger. This will be painful for some…

Finesse, Avoid, Transcend Or Plow Through?

Published: Tue, 07/12/22

Mars in Taurus trines the moon in Capricorn this morning. It doesn't sound speedy but if you commit to an effort, you should be able to push through…

Data Leak Ahead Of The Full Moon

Published: Mon, 07/11/22

The Moon in Sagittarius opposes Venus in Gemini today. Both planets square Neptune creating a leaking mutable T-square. The contents of Hunter Biden's…

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