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Keeping It Simple, Practical & Real

Published: Mon, 11/11/19

I did not e pect to be back up and running this soon after surgery, but here I am. It proves you can have surgery with Mercury retrograde and Mars in…

Naked Change Of Plans

Published: Mon, 11/04/19

There's been a Mercury retrograde change of plans. I was scheduled for surgery mid-month. My surgery has been moved up. By the time you read this,…

Knocked This One Out Of The Park

Published: Fri, 11/01/19

In my teens and into my early twenties, I was a bartender. Invariably the bar was packed during the holidays. People were stressed or lonely or…

Betrayed With A Kiss? Trick Or Treat?

Published: Wed, 10/30/19

Mercury conjoins Venus in Scorpio today. It's a bit unnerving. You may be gifted with information that heals, empowers, or enriches you. You may also…

Cold Amputations

Published: Fri, 10/25/19

The new moon in Scorpio on Sunday should have a dramatic impact; but to avoid beating a dead horse, I want to talk about Mars in Libra closing a…

Upending That Which Is Entrenched - SCORPIO

Published: Wed, 10/23/19

The Sun enters Scorpio midday. Here's a Gemini factoid for you: Unless you are beyond 77 years old, you've e perienced e actly 14 days of life with…

Attention-Seeking Gossiper

Published: Mon, 10/21/19

We've got to start thinking about Scorpio now, though the Sun won't enter the sign until Wednesday. This is because there's a new moon in Scorpio…

Is There Anything Good In There?

Published: Fri, 10/18/19

There's a gal I work with periodically. I'm not sure how far back we go, but we're familiar with each other by now. If she says "my daughter" or "my e…

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