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Despite The Prolific Distractions

Published: Mon, 08/12/24

The Uranian++ full moon is a week away. We may get a taste of it today as the moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus and square the Leo sun. This could bring…

Mind Tricks To Sidestep Pain & Trouble

Published: Sat, 08/10/24

The moon in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries, with Pluto in Aquarius filling in the T-square. Meantime, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are squaring Saturn in…

Jangled Nerves, Niceness & A Monthlong Fight

Published: Thu, 08/08/24

The Mutable T-square has caused problems for many this week. Things should ease some today as the moon enters Libra and Mercury in Virgo, backs away…

Brain School: Expect To Be Challenged

Published: Tue, 08/06/24

Updated: Tue, 08/06/24

The moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn form a T-square today with an emphasis on Mercury. I would not take this to be bad and I'll give…

Set Change At The End Of An Era

Published: Mon, 08/05/24

The moon will leave Leo for Virgo this afternoon as the Mutable signs continue to dominate the sky. This still looks like a "set change" operation…

Mental, Emotional. Spiritual Stretchiness

Published: Sat, 08/03/24

Updated: Sat, 08/03/24

The moon has just ingressed into Leo. It's currently opposing Pluto but will clear that energy field, overnight. The supported and unafflicted new…

Decisive Mental Energy - Don't Panic, Act!

Published: Wed, 07/31/24

Updated: Wed, 07/31/24

Mercury is stationing in Virgo. If the planet prefers to break free from the influence of Uranus and Pluto - too bad! Not happening. Mercury is also…

Wary, Wily Coyote, Having A Nervous & Jerky Beer

Published: Tue, 07/30/24

Updated: Tue, 07/30/24

Speaking of Mars in Gemini, the planet hooks up with the moon and Jupiter today. People are liable to speak up and speak out, for that matter.

Slip-ups, Crossovers & Reversals (With Leo Hair)

Published: Mon, 07/29/24

Updated: Mon, 07/29/24

Interesting, quirky situation sets up today as the moon in Taurus hooks up with Uranus, while squaring Venus in Leo and Mercury in Virgo. The…

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