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More On Neptune-Flavored Clarity

Published: Wed, 05/08/24

Updated: Wed, 05/08/24

Recently, I wrote about Neptune bringing clarity. I e plained this, very briefly: Neptune: Mass Confusion & Mass Clarity. I don't know that I went…

The Inverse Of Bitter

Published: Mon, 05/06/24

This chart screams "come together". Come together with love (Venus), generosity and forgiveness (Jupiter). If you can do this, you'll benefit. It's…

Direct Action, Hope, Faith & Crazy Luck

Published: Sat, 05/04/24

Mars has been meandering in Pisces for a couple of months. At the end of this period, it hooked up with Neptune. Of course you can't get traction! If…

For Godsakes, Acclimate!

Published: Fri, 05/03/24

Green is good, red, challenges. Even if you only know a little astrology, I think this chart makes it very clear; this is a favorable period. Why?The…

Moon Venus Clash, Enhanced By Pluto

Published: Tue, 04/30/24

Updated: Tue, 04/30/24

Midday, the moon will ingress into Aquarius to conjoin Pluto and square the sun and Venus. There are a million ways to read this, but the moon Venus…

Quirky Shifts, Not Necessarily Above Board

Published: Mon, 04/29/24

Updated: Mon, 04/29/24

The moon in Capricorn trines Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus today. Could be interesting and disruptive. Venus is in her home sign, Taurus... squaring…

Stock Market / Currency / Banking Event

Published: Sun, 04/28/24

Updated: Sun, 04/28/24

The moon in Capricorn will enjoy support from stelliums in Taurus and Pisces over the ne t couple of days. It's calm and stable, assuming you're in…

Compartmentalized, But Good News Letter

Published: Fri, 04/26/24

I love the moon in Sagittarius which won't clash with planets in Pisces until tomorrow. But what strikes me about this chart is the cluster of…

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