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Brain Racing With Surges

Published: Mon, 07/17/23

New moon opposing Pluto. Mercury square Jupiter and Mars opposing Saturn. If you had a restless night, there's your reason. If this stuff hits your…

Good News With Emotional Impact

Published: Sun, 07/16/23

Pluto will oppose tomorrow's new moon in Cancer. I'm seeing some good things come out this. Meanwhile, Mercury is squaring Jupiter; this aspect is…

Insight Into Your Family Dynamic

Published: Sat, 07/15/23

I woke up this morning, to feelings of disillusionment (Moon square Neptune), with my ideas (Mars in Virgo) rejected (Saturn) and the shadow cast on…

Something Looming With The Family

Published: Fri, 07/14/23

Things smooth out a bit after two days of banging around and clashing, but there's still work to do, with Mars in Virgo opposing Saturn. You may miss…

Controlling Mind Game Trap

Published: Mon, 07/10/23

The Mars Saturn opposition gets underway today. This will be a major force over the ne t ten days or so, but there are other things going on that are…

Baby Can't Handle The Heat

Published: Sun, 07/09/23

Busy week ahead. Mars will ingress into Virgo tomorrow morning. This is not a slacker Mars! Meantime, Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. The opposition…

The Smooth Part Of The Ride

Published: Fri, 07/07/23

The moon in Pisces will catch considerable support over the ne t couple days. It's the sun and Mercury in Cancer, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and…

Bake & Pivot

Published: Thu, 07/06/23

The sun and Mercury are in Cancer, with the moon involved in a Fi ed T-square. I call this, baking under stress! People seem a bit happier though.

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