
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

Challenging Week For All

Published: Mon, 03/13/23

This will be a challenging week for almost everyone. If you like challenge, you may feel like a horse behind a gate, waiting for the shot to start the…

Passing The Hot Potato

Published: Fri, 03/10/23

Sorry I'm late! Time (Saturn) slipped away (Pisces). This will be quick.This mutable energy, staring Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces is in full…

Gemini Mars - Firestarter

Published: Mon, 03/06/23

We all know Mars has been in Gemini for months. It will leave the sign on March 25th, but not before starting little fires, here and there and…

Gemini Mars - Firestarter

Published: Mon, 03/06/23

We all know Mars has been in Gemini for months. It will leave the sign on March 25th, but not before starting little fires, here and there and…

Choat Face & Various Other Sundries

Published: Sun, 03/05/23

You're looking at LB Meredith. He was a very good friend of mine in my late teens and early twenties. He's a Capricorn of course. If you missed the…

Coping With March

Published: Sat, 03/04/23

This month is bound to bring a lot of change. I have no doubt you can feel it. It makes me think of a backhoe moving the dirt around, changing the…

Coping With March

Published: Sat, 03/04/23

This month is bound to bring a lot of change. I have no doubt you can feel it. It makes me think of a backhoe moving the dirt around, changing the…

*Points* Of View: Fight, Brood & Bawdy Fun

Published: Fri, 03/03/23

Mars in Gemini has me writing in pointed and challenging ways. This has gotten me in a bit of trouble, but I continue. I do it because I'm in my…

Midweek Situation

Published: Wed, 03/01/23

This letter is in regards to today and tomorrow. Please note the Mercury Saturn conjunction @ 29 degrees. It makes me think, "the buck stops here".

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