
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

Preparing For The Week Ahead

Published: Sat, 05/21/22

I make videos but I also watch videos on various things that interest me. Two people who cover the same topic got into a fight a couple days ago.

Gemini To The Rescue!

Published: Tue, 05/17/22

The sun will ingress into Gemini on May 21st. Mercury enters Gemini on June 13th. Venus enters Gemini on June 23rd. Mars enters Gemini on August 20th…

I Survived The 2022 Pisces Stellium!

Published: Mon, 05/16/22

Snapped this at four in the morning. I still feel unnerved. I checked the current sky and saw the moon at 28 degrees, se tile Pluto, e act. The moon…

Unnerved Under The Scorpio Eclipse

Published: Sun, 05/15/22

People are naturally attuned to different types of energy to varying degrees. Some may really enjoy Mars energy. Others may prefer fantasy and the…

Eclipse, Financial Markets, Uranus In Gemini

Published: Fri, 05/13/22

Venus and Jupiter are in Aries now. Some feel the quickening. some remain in the Pisces sea and many have one foot in each world. Still, the trend is…

Is Everybody Comfy?

Published: Wed, 05/11/22

All right! Mercury is retrograde with Jupiter in Aries. Is everyone comfy? If not, give it a few hours, this will probably change. That's because the…

Catching Up Before Speeding Up

Published: Mon, 05/09/22

The moon in Leo squares the sun and Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius today, giving us a Fi ed T-square. It feels jammed up in a myriad of ways.

Weekend Outlook & Ideas

Published: Fri, 05/06/22

The moon in Cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn today. You can e pect to feel deeply and it may be uncomfortable. Some of this may be related to…

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