Heads Up From Elsa P: May 3, 2012 - Full Moon In Scorpio, Misguided Pontificating And A Great Boon

Published: Thu, 05/03/12

The Moon is in Libra for the rest of work week. It's a choppy ride as people grapple to balance their desire for independence against their need to relate to others.
Things shift Friday evening when the Moon enters Scorpio, where it becomes full around midnight on Saturday in the US.   I love the potential here, as the full moon takes place in concert with a strong opposition between Mercury and Saturn and a grand trine in earth. I've elaborated on this here: Avoiding Mayhem - Maximizing Potential and here - Deep Roots Of Your Self Esteem

Many will spend Sunday processing the preceding days.  This may be uncomfortable but it should be fruitful.
Monday, the Moon in Sagittarius forms a mutable T-square with Mars in Virgo and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. There is danger here, a person's misguided pontification, so you may want to make an effort not to fall into this trap. Tuesday is a better day to preach!
We close out the week on Wednesday with yet another grand trine in earth involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Pluto. To have your feelings (Moon), thoughts (Mercury) and actions (Mars)  working in concert is a great boon.  Don't waste the opportunity! 
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I also have a variety of astrology reports for $10 or less.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P