Heads Up From Elsa P: June 14, 2012 - New Moon, Old Lovers, And Potential Volcanic Eruptions

Published: Thu, 06/14/12

We've had a lot of overt strife and jarring news over the last weeks. We'll have more of the same this week,  but this energy has peaked. It will be replaced by energy that is less flamboyant but no less powerful.
It's the difference between Zorro, fighting with a cape and sword, and a hidden figure, silently planting a bomb.  Aggression is aggression but it comes up in different guises.

Thursday, the Moon leaves Aries for Taurus, escaping an opposition with Saturn in the process.  Luna transits Taurus until Saturday, which will bring some peace to the collective. 
That said, Uranus and Pluto are in a tight square now. That square is closing and will be exact the last week of June.  This is akin to a volcano rumbling in the background as the people go about their lives, eating lunch, smoking a cigarette, taking their kids to the park or whatever. 
We've got calm with a storm threatening and this situation is static until Sunday. At that point many will get good news as the Moon conjuncts Venus and Jupiter (both benefic planets) in Gemini. 
Gemini can expect a kiss of some type from this, especially if you have planets in the first ten degrees of the sign. For others, the house in your chart where this conjunct falls (0-10 Gemini) should enjoy considerable protection.  Also, be aware that Pluto aspects the Moon, Venus and Jupiter so don't be surprised if your gift comes in a plain and/or ugly wrapper.
Monday is pleasant as the Moon cruises through Gemini where it will conjunct the Sun early Tuesday morning, aka the New Moon.  This New Moon is richly nuanced and particularly complex.  Here is a simple but detailed delineation of what you can expect. Be sure to set an intention for the New Moon the night before.
We close the week off with Venus retrograde in tight aspect to Pluto. You can definitely expect to see ex-lovers pop out of their graves this week. Get the details on that here - Liberate Yourself From Your Obsession With Your Ex.
Also be aware that Mercury squares Saturn on Thursday.  People will be sensitive to rejection, perhaps overly so.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P