Heads Up From Elsa P: May 24, 2012 - Gaslighting, Angst and Accident Avoidance

Published: Thu, 05/24/12

Mercury hits Gemini today and mental function is emphasized all week long.  If you love puzzles, you may enjoy this but many will be stressed and distracted. Mercury rules short trips in the car or on foot, so keep an eye out for people who might space out and run a red light. 
Early in the (newsletter) week the Sun and Mercury in Gemini square Neptune so we're looking at mind fog or mental confusion. Mars is in Mercury's sign, Virgo, so some of this might be inflicted deliberately via some type of gaslighting or other sneak attack. Monday through Wednesday, Mercury will square Mars and direct verbal or written confrontation is more likely.
As for the emotional side of things, the Moon has a choppy ride through Cancer on Thursday and Friday.  You may experience considerable angst but the weekend's Moon in Leo brings relief.  The Moon in Leo plays well with with the stellium in Gemini, Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Libra, providing a great time to plan fun in the sun.
Monday, the Moon enters Virgo. This is appropriate to kick off the work week but the Moon is highly stressed by Mars and numerous other planets.
If you witness nothing more than heated bickering under this sky, consider yourself lucky.  Some are going to get hurt with this and the person who inflicts the pain may be a victim themselves.  If you want an example of that, how would you like to have to lay off ten people who you know need their jobs, in order to spare ten others who also need their jobs?
Tuesday, the fire continues to burn though it's passed its peak. Wednesday, the Moon enters Libra where it opposes Uranus and squares Pluto. This spells emotional upset. If you're one of the people standing outside the eye of the storm, render aid if you can. If you are hit directly, regroup as quickly as you can and just keep moving forward.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult
I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here. Follow on Twitter.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P