Heads Up From Elsa P: February 9, 2012 - Love Shocks And Trauma, Just In Time For Valentine's Day

Published: Thu, 02/09/12

Thursday is interesting. We've got a calming grand trine in earth signs up against Venus conjunct Uranus squaring Pluto.. The latter is sure to cause disruption and eruption in relationships with alarming alacrity in many cases. I can only conclude that the shocks will come but people will weather them well, thanks to the trine.
Friday the Moon in Libra opposes Venus and Uranus in Aries.  If you find yourself fighting with your partner, give them some space or take some yourself and this may help.
The emphasis is on "may" because many conflicts will be sustained over the weekend. On the upside, some will be starting fresh with a partner, new or old. If this is your situation, try to manage your pathology and refrain from bringing up a bunch of gunk or falling into psychological patterns that you know are destructive (Pluto).  This is a chance for a new beginning, so take it!
Monday the Moon is in Scorpio and emotions run deep. This situation continues on Tuesday, Valentine's Day and combined with the the Venus Pluto square, many will be haunted by lovers from their past, creating some disturbing triangles.
Provided you can stomach all that, the Moon enters Sagittarius in the evening on Valentine's Day. It's an upbeat Moon so this may very well be a situation where all's well that ends well as far as the holiday goes.
We close out the week on Wednesday with the Moon in Sagittarius in aspect to a variety of planets. I'd compare this to being tickled by a variety of things from a variety of angles. This is not my cup of tea but you may fare better.  The Venus Pluto square is also exact on Wednesday, so don't be surprised if corpses (ex-loves) show up in your life... when you least expect it (Uranus).
To sum up, it's a challenging week but hey!  At least you won't be bored!
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am now offering Lunar Return reports for less than $5 each if you buy the whole year.  I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P