Heads Up From Elsa P: March 29, 2012 - Keeping Your Cool In A Traffic Jam - Mercury Direct

Published: Thu, 03/29/12

This whole week looks like a traffic jam to me.  The arrangement of cars changes constantly but no one is going to sail through these next days without a variety of encounters with others.
Not all the the meetings will be jarring or stressful. It's possible to fall in love in a traffic jam.  People who can keep their wits and sense of humor in the chaos will be fare best.
Thursday we have two grand trines for support, but Mercury, Mars and Saturn are all retrograde and people are fed up with delays. It's like being stuck on the freeway in Los Angeles.  The weather's nice, but you may be pissed off anyway.  Note that you get to choose what you focus on. The Sun also squares Pluto exact on Thursday.  This is difficult energy to deal with - See Transit Watch for details.
Friday, the Moon in Cancer forms a T-square with the Sun, Uranus and Pluto. It's a safe bet someone gets their feelings hurt.  Whether this is because they're oversensitive or because the other person has a shocking (Uranus) ego (Sun) on steroids (Pluto) will be debated.
The Moon squares Saturn on the weekend while Mars opposes Neptune and Chiron and both configurations are worrisome. Work and service would be positive expressions of this energy but some will be depressed (Moon Saturn) and act as their own worst enemy.  To avoid this, boundaries are key.  My advice is you stay out of the confused fray if at all possible.
Monday is ego day with the Moon in Leo and the Sun exalted in Leo.  If you'll allow me mine, I'll allow you yours and we won't have to come to blows.
Tuesday begins the shift of planets into Mercury-ruled signs which will end our week with a flourish.   Venus enters Gemini, the Moon enters Virgo and then Mercury turns direct on Wednesday morning opening the floodgates for communication of all kinds (see details)
Last, continue to watch your step around Virgo and Gemini this week. Here's the PSA on that.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am holding a workshop on the Uranus Pluto square 2012-2015 - you can check that out here. It's starts on April 4th.
 I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P