Heads Up From Elsa P: March 22, 2012 - New Moon In Aries, Sun Square Pluto And Big Kiss For All!

Published: Thu, 03/22/12

We have a stunning  New Moon in Aries on Thursday morning in the US. With the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus all tightly conjunct in Aries, this is a brilliant time to start something, reboot your life, your attitude, your marriage or your friendships that may have fallen by the wayside. Use it or lose it because it breaks up fast.
Friday, the Moon pulls away from the conjunction like an independent mother leaving her brood behind. Mercury also abandons Aries, retrograding back into Pisces. This will disturb Virgos and Geminis by fogging their minds.  Both signs are irritable as it is, thanks to Mars retrograde in Virgo so mess with these people at your own peril! This is especially true of Virgo who is shored up by a grand trine in earth and not likely to be knocked off their game.
The Sun conjuncts Uranus on Saturday as Mars trines the Moon in the late degrees of Aries and early degrees of Taurus.  People are likely to want to go it alone during the day so if you're a Libra looking to connect or someone who just wants to chat or socialize, make the call in the afternoon or evening.
Sunday and Monday, the Earth dominates. With the Moon, Venus and Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in earth, it's all about practicality and, in many cases, making money.  We do have a grand trine in earth all week long and there are definitely people out there striking it rich in a variety of realms.
The wealth may come in the form of love or money (Venus). It may be travel or an expanded philosophy, or an opportunity that benefits (Jupiter) the person.  It could be help from a man or an infusion of male energy (Mars) or a person might overcome a psychological block (Pluto in Capricorn).  Most of us are getting a kiss with this, so try to notice!
Tuesday, the Moon enters Gemini squaring Mars in Virgo and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. People are going to bitch under a sky like this, perhaps not even knowing (or caring) whether they are right or wrong.
Wednesday... well this snuck up on me! The Sun in Aries is square Pluto at this point so look for dirt on men to be revealed. The shadow side of the ego takes center stage as well.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am now offering Lunar Return reports for less than $5 each if you buy the whole year.  I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P