Heads Up From Elsa P: March 15, 2012 - Fabulous Week, Full Of Potential

Published: Thu, 03/15/12

This is a dynamic week, loaded with potential. While we have some jarring aspects, we also have a grand trine in earth  that will last all week long. This will ground and stabilize people, allowing them to work effectively with whatever challenges arise. The situation could be considered ideal as few are moved to action when they're wholly comfortable.

Thursday provides a case in point. The Moon in Capricorn transits in hard aspect to Mercury and Uranus, however it enjoys profound support from a number of other planets. This indicates high odds that uncomfortable situations will be resolved favorably.
Friday is the calm after the storm on Thursday. The Moon is still in Capricorn which is not its favorite sign, but with all the focus on the earth signs, I think many will experience the high side of this placement. Mainly they'll feel (Moon) solid (Capricorn) and supported by or committed to (Saturn) their families (Moon) or their own emotional well-being.
The weekend through Monday is dominated by Uranus energy. The Moon is in Aquarius with ruler Uranus conjunct Mercury which means that innovation and originality rule.  We still have the grand trine in earth which will make it possible to profit from any new ideas. These are really great days and I recommend running with them.

Tuesday, the Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune and Chiron, tying in beautifully with the planets in earth.  The Sun also enters Aries so you've got courage, inspiration and practicality all on offer, all at once.

This setup continues on Wednesday. Be sure to set your intention for the New Moon in Aries taking place on Thursday morning, the 22nd. 

If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.

I am now offering Lunar Return reports for less than $5 each if you buy the whole year.  I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P