Heads Up From Elsa P: January 26, 2012 - Pressure and Agitation

Published: Thu, 01/26/12

Venus in Pisces opposes Mars in Virgo all week long which puts people at odds.  Relationships and interactions of all kinds (Venus) are hotted up (Mars). Expect to see people fight and challenge each other, left and right.
Don't expect to be clear on who the victim (Pisces) is because some people attack or get what they want (Mars) by feigning injury. Anyway you turn it, this is going to be irritating, particularly for people who have planets between 15-23 degrees in the mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) signs.
Outside of that agitation, Mercury in Capricorn takes hits from Saturn and Jupiter so expect to be pressured as we head into the weekend.  Mercury-ruled Virgo and Gemini will be particularly affected but many will struggle to think, or experience mental hardship one way or the other. 
You may get depressing (Capricorn) news (Mercury) or just realize there is a hard road (Saturn) ahead (Jupiter). People will have to think slowly and carefully where Mercury prefers to be light on his feet. Also expect delays in communications of all kinds. You think you can set up the computer in 20 minutes and it takes you 3 hours instead. That kind thing. Ugh. 
Thursday and Friday, the Moon in is Pisces and you may yearn for escape. With the Sun in Aquarius, giving people space (and taking some yourself) should help in a lot of situations. Certainly the bitching and nit-picking, fault-finding that can come up with Mars in Virgo is something people are going to want to avoid (Pisces) so it's a balancing act all week.
Saturday, you'll be challenged to deal with uncomfortable things as the Moon in Aries squares Pluto.
Sunday, you'll still be dealing with the bickering Venus Mars opposition but things begin to improve as the Moon in Aries heads towards conjunction with Jupiter in Taurus on Monday.
Tuesday provides the first chance for real peace all week, thanks to the Moon in Taurus forming a grand trine with Mars and Pluto.  Venus and Mars are still going at it but hey!  Let's eat!
Wednesday is also manageable with the exalted Moon in Taurus catching support from Mars as well as planets in Pisces. This is the same day the Venus Mars opposition peaks so by the time the evening rolls around, you can congratulate  yourself on making it through a dicey, fairly difficult week.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am now offering Lunar Return reports for less than $5 each if you buy the whole year.  I also have a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P