Heads Up From Elsa P: June 9, 2011 - Major Turning Point: From Venom To Big Ideas

Published: Thu, 06/09/11

You may be stressed on Thursday thanks to harsh aspects to the Virgo Moon. The day is specifically set up so that worriers will worry but you can transcend the problem by realizing whatever you're concerned about is not that much worse than it was the day before or will be the day after. Based on this, there is no need to feed feelings of anguish today. It's unproductive and you're almost guaranteed to feel differently within 24 hours so why suffer?
Friday and Saturday, the Moon is in Libra which puts the focus on relationships. People are evaluating their connections with others right now and you don't want to shirk here because Saturn is going direct on Sunday and it will be time (Saturn) to move ahead.
Saturn's direct motion will slowly pressure people to come off the fence. You'll be amazed how true this is if you keep an eye on your life and the lives of others. Commitment will be required and if you can't manage to make a decision, decisions will be made for you.
I am talking about committing in relationships with others but we'll also see people letting go of unrealistic expectations and vowing to work on themselves so that they can be a better partner and more social in general.
All of this will benefit each of us but that doesn't mean it will be easy. You've got to meet others halfway as well as be someone who they want to meet halfway. If you've got someone in your life incapable of this, now is the time to let go as Saturn going direct marks a real turning point

People may lash out with venom on Monday as the debilitated Moon in Scorpio takes hits from Mars and Venus in Gemini. Try to stay out of the mud on this one because the period passes quickly and you're almost guaranteed to regret spewing as we head into Wednesday's full moon lunar eclipse which is super expanded and all about ideas and high mindedness.

To maximize the potential of the eclipse, you want to be as open as possible. Open-minded, yes, but I'd also get out and about in some way as travel and short trips and chatting are all favored and will put you in the best position to benefit.
Prizes available under the full moon include big ideas, lots of ideas and communications that buoy you. This is a Jack and the Beanstalk eclipse where the smallest seed of an idea (Gemini) can grow spectacularly large (Sagittarius). Thinking (Mercury) in these terms can help make it happen. Remember Sagittarius is concerned with luck and your beliefs so believing in your idea is important.
There is little downside here but for balance, I'll offer this: people may talk too much. And on that note, I'll end this letter.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I also offer a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  They're a great deal.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P