Heads Up From Elsa P: March 24, 2011 - Mercury Retrograde And Various Other (Important) Sundries

Published: Thu, 03/24/11

I don't stress over periods when Mercury turns retrograde but I certainly note them and the conditions in this circumstance are particularly challenging. In consideration of this I would recommend getting as much of your busy work done as possible before the planet reverses course on Wednesday the 30th.
With the Moon in Sagittarius today (Thursday) trining a stellium in Aries, the fire signs dominate. It's a great day to push yourself to achieve because you'll have no problem gathering and gaining momentum.
Take the opportunity to advance with ease because Friday and Saturday, the Moon hits Capricorn and things will shift at that point.  People will slow down and progress will be blocked as the beleaguered Moon takes hard aspects from Saturn and the stellium in Aries.  Some will get lucky but most will have to fight someone or something (even if it's themselves) for every step they gain.
There is tremendous emphasis on control with this and the better your boundaries, the better you'll fare.
Things improve on Sunday as Venus enters Pisces, the sign of its exaltation. Monday is better still as the Moon leaves Capricorn for Aquarius and is very well aspected. This does not rid us of the harsh conditions shown by the Cardinal T-square but it does ease things, especially for people who are actively involved in some kind of service.
As for the work week in general, it's complicated. The Sun squares Pluto, which describes a  manipulative man. You may also encounter the shadow side of someone's ego and it could be your own. I favor facing the icky bits of life and making something of them but if you don't there will be plenty of distraction and none of it minor.
Last, Jupiter opposes Saturn this week which provides the opportunity to mature your philosophy and/or your world view. Defining (Saturn) your beliefs (Jupiter) at this point will pay long-term dividends.
All in all, it's not the easiest week but if you have some motivation and a willingness to adjust your sail, you can make gains.
On a personal note, I am planning a trip to visit my sister with my son so I may miss next week's newsletter or the one following. If this happens, I apologize and I will resume service the following week.

If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am also offering a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P