Heads Up From Elsa P: January 6, 2011 - Rolling The Dice With Your Mouth

Published: Thu, 01/06/11

Hi all, it's nice to be back after the holidays. I don't want to use the word, "dominate" but we have a strong theme running all week which bears keeping in mind. It's the big mouth factor; the broadcasting we're going to see, the "truth" telling that is guaranteed to surprise.

I am talking about Mercury in Sagittarius which is code for, "run on sentence".  People are going to talk about their beliefs and with Mercury in hard aspect to Jupiter and Uranus, in some cases they'll go overboard.

Keep in mind that Jupiter expands things. Uranus is associated with the Internet so we're looking at speech going viral in some cases. This is a terror for some but others will see it as an opportunity and go ahead and roll the dice with their mouth.
Point is, people are going to preach all week.  They'll make sweeping statements, they may or may not be able to back up. Stories may be inflated and most will be shocked at some point, most likely by seeing people reverse course or change their philosophy or their beliefs in what seems to be the blink of an eye.
The weekend into Monday is nice, especially for the water signs. Cancer and Scorpio fare particularly well, even with all the jaws flapping and this includes my own.
Tuesday, many hit a wall when it comes to the other. You're thwarted and while it may seem to be another person's fault, in reality it is you running your life.  This is a control thing and if you can control yourself and forget about controlling them, you win. Easy on paper, harder in practice so good luck.
We close out the week on Wednesday. Those inclined will still be pontificating, but if you can focus your effort this is a good day to do something very strenuous that will pay off over time. I'm talking about putting your shoulder to the wheel and that guy (or gal) on the stump, preaching all week?
If you have a decent filter, chances are you've benefited from much of what was said even if you're irked. At the very least you'll witness free speech in action and most can see the glory and the gift in that.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am also offering a year long list of transits to your natal chart, with interpretations for $10. More info here - this is a great deal.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P