Heads Up From Elsa P: February 24, 2011 - Fighting By Undermining...Perhaps

Published: Thu, 02/24/11

Mars slips into Pisces today but you may not notice as the planet is already conjunct Neptune, and tactics have been Piscean over the last two weeks anyway. As an example, the Wisconsin Democrats attacked (Mars) by disappearing (Neptune), effectively avoiding a showdown over Governor Scott Walker's union-busting bill.
With Mars in Pisces, people may act compassionately but they also might slip you a Mickey. This is a date-rape aspect, where it is possible to be attacked unbeknownst to you so it pays to act on intuition and have compassion (Pisces) for yourself (Mars).
Mars with Neptune makes it very hard to discern who is leading or winning. For example the Wisconsin Democrats successfully undermined the Republicans but may find they've ultimately undermined themselves when all the smoke clears.
To work with energy most effectively, contact Virgo for clarity before you shoot. Virgo is a dogged sign with fine mind and a great ally in situations like this as they can see the strings behind the scenes that create the illusion.
Heading into the weekend, things and people are hot and inflated and it's go Go GO!  The temperature drops for the weekend and people have various reactions.
Money and status (or lack of the same) are highlighted and this feels harsh to most, one way or the other. Humble, grateful types with good boundaries fare well on days like this as do the generous.
The work week is manageable as people are fairly detached and most are getting what they want and need on a deeper level as well.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am also offering a variety of astrology reports for just $10.  Check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P