Heads Up From Elsa P: February 10, 2011 - Valentine's Day: Social, Not Superficial - Pain and Loss

Published: Thu, 02/10/11

There is quite a bit of stress heading into the weekend as some push for change while others dig their heels in and resist. With the Moon in Taurus, rushing people will be counterproductive. Respecting a person's individuality and the time it takes them to do something, think something, get from here to there, makes more sense.
People also experience this conflict internally. They're stubborn and trying to move ahead. Greed may be a problem here.
Make your Valentine's Day plans for the weekend, if possible, as Saturday and Sunday are social and we hit a low note on the actual holiday, Monday the 14th. The weekend is social, not superficial. 
With Venus conjunct Pluto and Saturn in Libra, love is serious now and bonds are deep.  There is great deal of pain and loss described here and most are going to encounter feelings like this at one point or the other, throughout the week. I hope it helps to know you're not alone.
Monday is a somber day but not without purpose. It's important to know how you feel about things even if the feelings are hard.
Tuesday, people bounce back. They recover and get back out there to interact with others as people don't want to be alone right now, unless they have a very specific purpose or lesson they're trying to learn.  Most though, realize that social skills are important now so they show up for practice.
Our newsletter week ends on Wednesday, where we continue to struggle to balance our drive to be free and independent with our desire to be loved. This theme will be around for awhile. I is always better to keep up rather than have to catch up so mulling this over is recommended. 
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
I am also offering a variety of astrology reports now,  for just $10.  You can check them out here.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P