Heads Up From Elsa P: November 18, 2010 - Full Moon In Taurus; Venus And Jupiter Direct

Published: Thu, 11/18/10

Venus and Jupiter turn direct today. If you feel your love and luck and money have been backed up or stuck in a holding patten, this should help. 
I could see this kicking off some holiday shopping which is not a bad idea. Mercury goes retrograde, December 10th, so shopping early for Christmas is advised, especially for Mercury-ruled things like phones and iPads and the like.
On other fronts, Mars is tightly conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius all week so people will be blurting things left and right.  The situation is exasperated by the hard aspect to Jupiter and Uranus making it very easy to say too much to too many.
As mentioned last week, you have little to be concerned with if you mean what you say but people have a tendency to go over the line in circumstances like this.
Also, not to make people paranoid or anything but this is one of those weeks where it's not safe to assume the email you write or the message your leave on someones voice mail will only be consumed by the person you sent it to.  Short communications (Mercury) can be published or broadcast (Sagittarius) to wide release under a sky like this and very readily.
It reminds me of a man I know.  His ex-wife called him drunk and left him a voice mail which he has played as entertainment at parties for the last five years so keep things like this in mind.
The Moon is full in Taurus around noon on Sunday so look for effects if you are out Saturday night. I always say the lights are turned up under the full Moon, the idea being you can see things not usually as visible. It is a bit more complicated under this particular full Moon as Neptune involved and you can't necessarily believe what you see.
For example, if you see Peter Pan fly across a stage in play, I don't think the man is flying... nor is he Peter Pan. This does not mean you should not enjoy the show. It's will be a super interesting weekend full of drama and nuance.
The start of the work week is a mixed bag. Monday, the Sun moves into Sagittarius, joining Mars and Mercury in the sign so lots of boasting and inflation comes with that. Thing is, we need this upbeat energy because by Wednesday the Moon has to cope with Saturn and Pluto.

The latter will bring many in contact with cold, harsh reality in some form.  If you put these things together you have people feeling bad or frightened but believing things will get better. 
People who put some effort behind their beliefs are certain to see progress. Push through your fear to gain ground.
 If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P