Heads Up From Elsa P: July 29, 2010: A Challenging Balancing Act

Published: Thu, 07/29/10

People are passive aggressive heading into the weekend.  Lots of anger out there, bouncing back and forth.
It is easy to see others as angry while ignoring your own fury. Most want to seem nice but they're not really feeling it and the "un-comfort" has to go somewhere.
It helps if you have an outlet for your Mars (raw male energy).  My sister told me years ago, you don't want to let Mars energy back up on you because it easily converts into something destructive. Sex and exercise  is one way to express this energy but owning your own ambition is also important. People have desires and identifying yours will go a long way towards preventing this energy from kinking up.
Friday and Saturday there will be a lot of pressure to make a decision and commit to a course of action. It's best if your plans (Saturn) are broad (Jupiter) and allow for the unexpected (Uranus), and by Sunday some will manage this. 
If you don't nail something down by then, I'd not fret about it because ideas strike like lightning now and it might not be your day.  "Sudden opportunity" in the air over the next couple months so just keep an eye peeled.
The beginning of the work week presents a challenge as people struggle to balance things.  They want to move forward but are held back by fear or other impediment.  It's hard to decide if time is racing forward or moving as slow as a snail and it's almost impossible to lay blame.
There is also the freakish emphasis on the we/me axis.  Everyone is projecting something at this point and odds are overwhelming, if you are mad at them, you are just as mad at yourself or perhaps you should be?
Those who are working hard and committed to a vision fare well. People with a strong belief system or an optimistic perspective also feel supported while people who lack this are having a much harder time.  Jupiter, see? Don't leave home without it.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P
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