Heads Up From Elsa P: Sept 23, 2010 - Thrilla In Manila And The Ace In The Hole

Published: Thu, 09/23/10

We wake to the aftermath of the full moon in Aries. If you've got a black eye, take an aspirin, slap some meat on that puppy (or some ice, or a bag of frozen peas), then get ready to run because tomorrow that's what most of us are going to do. 
Where you run will depend on your Mars. Mars in Libra will run to the lover, Mars in Taurus will run to the mall. Mars in Gemini might run out for a new gadget but whatever your pick, most are going to want to distance themselves from something and on Friday, this is possible and very much favored.
The Moon is in Taurus over the weekend, in opposition to Venus and Mars in Scorpio. I am dubbing this one, The Cat Burglar vs The Vault.  Remember the Thrilla In Manila? This is that kind of fight. It's not really funny but I hope I made you laugh because we need all the levity we can get.
Monday brings angst. 
Tuesday the air signs align and people are somewhat sociable. It may be superficial but hey.  People can't be smushed, crushed and boiled alive relentlessly so feet come off throats and the players may even buy each other a drink at this point, even if it's a tactic.  So what if it's a tactic? It's a drink isn't it?
Wednesday the mutable signs get the reigns and this is when the information comes in. Many will blabber about everything under the sun. I am likely to join them for the release.
With Venus and Mars in Scorpio, some will remain silent and you can be sure that even those who talk a blue streak will be keeping a few choice cards under wraps.
All and all it's tight out there. Things are taut but this does not mean they don't go well.  With Jupiter conjunct Uranus, remember this:  Life favors the risk-taker.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P