Heads Up From Elsa P: Sept 9, 2010 - Information Is Power

Published: Thu, 09/09/10

We're all tired of waffling. This week is pivotal as Mercury and Pluto turn direct and Mars leaves Libra, the sign of it's detriment and enters it's home sign, Scorpio. With Mars changing signs and far less emphasis on oppositions in the sky, you may notice people are less polarized and more effective in general.
The week is dominated by Virgo and Scorpio (Mercury and Pluto) energies that will combine in intricate ways to offer uncommon access and  insight into people and things (including your own psyche). Deep thinkers will be in their element but are likely to be secretive around what they discover as it is just not a blabbing type situation for a variety of reasons.
For some, knowledge is power and they don't want to share power but others uncover bits that are repulsive and keep them to themselves to be self protective. Information that is exchanged is liable to be super potent and worthy of your attention.
On another level, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in Pisces. Perspectives are changing in ways that are exciting and liberating. This process is jarring for most but the freedom gained seems well worth it to me.
The week ends with Venus conjunct Mars in Scorpio. Drives and desires are deep and at best, semi-conscious. It's deliciously complex.
If you want to talk about these issues or anything else, please schedule a phone appointment or contact me for an email consult.
Thanks and best wishes for a great week,
Elsa P