Stabbing People Is Optional

Published: Mon, 10/06/14

I've had a lot of problems on my site recently. The man who's working on it wrote me to say that while he hated to bring it up, he was racking up a lot of hours. He feels bad for me and is not keen to send me a fat bill.

I wrote him back to say that he was exceptionally good at what he does and should bill for all this time, and I would pay, in full. It's my problem, right? It's my responsibility. 
This story is about me but relevant to you.
We have two t-squares to deal with today as we head into a highly pressured lunar eclipse on Wednesday.  People are going to clash and clang around. They are going to find themselves in uncomfortable situations, like this tech guy did. Or like myself, facing the need to pay this big, fat bill, on top of the stress that tech problems create. 
You may feel squeezed over the next few days, but you have a choice around how you deal with it. The story illustrates this.  
The tech guy did not want to write me, nor did he want to work for free!  So he clutched it up and sent the mail. 

I don't want to have costly site problems, but hey! That's too bad. I have them, but this is no excuse to punish others.

The energy of this lunar eclipse is sharp and potentially dangerous. But so are the knives you keep in a drawer in your kitchen. Stabbing people is optional, as is beating them, berating them, cheating them or any other horrible thing you might do.
Read more about the lunar eclipse here - Love, Art, Sex & Anger.  
You may also want to read, Uranus Square Pluto: Death By Beheading, for an easy-to-implement, idea on how cruise through this.
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