The Next Big (Astrology) Thing

Published: Tue, 08/19/14

Have you seen enough violent upheaval in your life, your city, your country, the world?
The square between outer planets Uranus and Pluto began in 2012. This clash has upset the status quo and dominated astrology-themed commentary, especially over the last year when faster moving planets got involved and formed a grand cross that lasted for months.
Uranus and Pluto have squared off exactly five times.  They will square off again in mid-December, this year.  The last exact aspect is in March, 2015.
By the end of March next year, we'll officially be living "post Uranus/Pluto". You can compare this to life in the 1970's after the upheaval of the late 1960's that took place when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct. Life goes on!
It pays to look ahead. The next big (astrology) thing is going to be Saturn in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces. Many, if not most people are going to have a very hard time dealing with this energy.
We'll see structures dissolve, rules disappear, and people become disillusioned with reality.
It's normal to want to avoid (Neptune) hardship (Saturn), but drugging yourself into oblivion or taking your own life are not good solutions!
I am already seeing a lot of Saturn / Neptune problems come up in my consultations. I know it's just a hint of the tidal wave to come, as these planets will square off for most of 2015 and 2016.
This is why I held a workshop on this topic. I know I need something both solid (Saturn) and pervasive (Neptune) that will support people who are suffering.  You can't cover something like this in a thirty minute consult!
The Saturn Neptune square will affect everyone. Therefore, everyone can benefit from this work. But if you have planets in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces), you are definitely going to be enormously impacted by this.
You can get your guide here: Saturn Neptune Workshop. I promise it will save you a lot of suffering. It's the cheapest therapy ever!

Have a great day!