Quick & Dirty Update

Published: Wed, 07/23/14

We've got a lot of action, the rest of the week. This will be your quick and dirty update. I apologize for the lack of refinement. I'm in the middle of a workshop and time is limited!
The Sun moved into Leo, yesterday. We have a new moon in Leo on Saturday.   Leo is the star over the next few days. But there's more to come over the next few weeks. 

We're all trying to conduct our personal lives, in the midst of upheaval, courtesy of the Uranus Pluto square. I've simplified this for you, here:  Superficial Shift vs Permanent Change -Transition From Stellium In Cancer To Stellium In Leo
Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Friday, after more than seven months in the sign. Many will be relieved.  I like the clarity of the astrology. I covered it here: Advance Towards Your Goal
The new moon in Leo conjuncts Jupiter, bring drama around children (Leo) to the world (Jupiter) stage
Venus opposes Pluto on Sunday. Expect power struggles in relationships.  
You may also see people you thought were dead and gone, popping up.  Uranus is involved, so you may get some real shocks. However, this does not seem that bad to me. 
I've come to this conclusion because I tend to experience things earlier then most. I've had a number of people pop up already. They've caused no harm. I think the shift of planets into Leo is allowing people (and their creativity) to shine.
Last - Mars in Scorpio will square a stellium in Leo at the end of the month. Check this out to avoid damage - Your Worst Enemy - Your Ego
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Have a great day!