Celebrities Who Wind Up Dead In Their Bathtubs (Scorpio Moon, Ya'll)

Published: Mon, 06/09/14

I'm excited about this week's non-boring full moon in Sagittarius. I think it's going to make itself be known.

I'm thrilled with the potential later this week. I wish I could leave it there, but it's Monday and y'all expect a letter.

The Moon is in Scorpio today. I love the Moon in Scorpio, even though she's in detriment.

I don't love the Moon conjunct Saturn. I don't love the Moon opposing Venus, a scenario which is shaping up today.

If you want a positive spin on this, Venus is well placed in Taurus. She could kiss the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. Maybe. 

But, I'm afraid people are going to feel bereft. I'm afraid they'll feel (Moon) there is not enough (Saturn) love or money (Venus).

If they do feel that way, it will be hard to penetrate their defenses as these are fixed (stubborn) signs.

Watch for projection.  Moon Saturn feels dead. Venus in Taurus is over there buying luxury goods. But the person spending is often trying to stave off loneliness.

If you want to fare well today, try to value what you have, even if it's meager. And don't worry about what other people have, because you don't really know what they have.

If you question this, just consider the celebrities who wind up dead in a bathtub with people snapping pictures of their corpse.

No thanks. I want nothing to do with either side of that equation - I'll take my life as is.
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